AUDIOMETRY (Hearing Test)
Audiometry is essential and required by law for workers of all industries from construction, drivers, machine operators, farmworkers, factory workers, mine workers to food handlers etc. who are exposed to noise levels above 85Db.
Exposure to noise above the human ear tolerance is one of the most typical causes of hearing loss. This is a common occupational hazard. When exposed to levels above 85dB over an 8-hour working day, and over a 40-year working life is associated with substantial hearing loss, called “Noise-Induced Hearing Loss” (NIHL).
South African employers must meet certain criteria to reduce employees’ exposure to noise that could result in hearing damage.
OCCMED@WORK conducts onsite otoscopy assessments and audiometry using pure-tone air conduction audiometry (PTACA) to screen workers who have been exposed to excessive noise levels. By determining employee’s baseline hearing thresholds, noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) can be identified early on and the appropriate corrective actions can be applied.
We would like to refer to the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993, the Environmental Regulations. It stipulates that Audiometric testing should be done yearly on employees working in an area where the noise levels exceeding 85 dB. See Government Gazette NO 22834 Vol.437.
Jolita Burger (OHP)
Registered with SASOHN.
AR Audio number: 4780